set EditorPosixPath to "/Applications/Utilities/AppleScript\"
set PlistPosixPath to "/Applications/Utilities/AppleScript\"
set EditorMacPath to "Macintosh HD:Applications:Utilities:AppleScript"
set AlternativeEditorPosixPath to POSIX path of EditorMacPath
-- POSIX file / alias must be used outside of Finder's scope
set EditorFile to POSIX file EditorPosixPath
set PlistFile to POSIX file PlistPosixPath
-- only for files
set PlistAlias to alias PlistPosixPath
-- as alias / container of are Finder's functions
tell application "Finder"
set EditorPath to EditorFile as alias
set ParentFolder to container of EditorPath
<!-- code language:text title: shell:false -->
display dialog ParentFolder as text
<!-- code end -->end tell
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